Sunday, May 06, 2007

So little time.. so much to do... :)

Just sitting here..wondering what is it that I can write about today... feeling so drained right now.. got so many thing I wanna do before this day ends.. 1 hr to go.. and time is just flying.

Busy day today at work started off fine and planned a nice fancy schedule of stuff to finish today. But by the end of the day… looked at the same list.. and felt like crap. Just managed to get past the first 2 entries.. At times like these, when you running behind schedule.. I just wish the code just starts working without me thinking too much of whats wrong...!! Exactly what I felt today... Had to finish writing this procedure.. didn’t seem like a big task and thought I'd finished… but then something wasn’t working right :-| was too saturated to even understand why.. left it for tomorrow morning…This is usual.. and has happened before… I’m damn sure I’ll see what is the problem in the morning.. :) (I hope so)

With all the work.. Just wish I could think faster and work faster than I can.. Problem is not the work.. the time.. :-) very rarely do these opportunities come.. Funny!!! You wanna work somethings with interest only to be limited by time!!!

Well that’s all that on my mind right now…. Other than these things I gotta do now and work :p and SLEEP!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Ashtricks said...

Sometimes....its better to sleep over the problem...scientifically, there is a better probability of finding a solution to a problem in sleep.
This is what I say now a days to return to my favorite pass time...sleeping.....