Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My DIGICAM IN Coma.. Please pray

A really sad thing happened day before yesterday – My camera had an accident and it’s not working now. I’m really disturbed and sad about it. It was a gift from My Lolo’s dad… on my last birthday. The reason it is special is not just cause it’s gifted by “his” dad but because it was a totally unexpected (not to mention expensive) gift. When I’d inquired as to why the trouble and expense for ME!!! Uncle just said, “I really don’t know… It was just and instinct which I followed”.

I felt so special… an its not working now :(

Described below is what happened...

This couple friend of mine dropped in for some first dance waltz training. They are getting married on the 17th of this month. The whole teaching experience was fun. Something I plan to blog about soon…

Anyways so during the course of the teaching we took videos with my HP digicam. Took videos of em when they just started learning and after about an hour and half of training and practice took more videos – you know, to see the difference before and after… and when we were watching it.. all excited of course.. (Cam in my hand) he – the groom suddenly moves his hand trying to point at something in the video and CRASH!!!! The cam falls to the floor!!!... I don’t know why but at that time it didn’t seem to me like it was a big accident and I just picked up the cam and ignore the incident.. After they left... picked up the cam to switch it off and place it in the pouch and… the lens wouldn’t go in… :( the mechanism was making this funny noise like its trying to go in, but stuck!!! My heart broke… If only I could turn back time…. Isa did a good job at consoling me which lasted me though the night… but then the feelings returned in the morning… Telling myself “Its only a thing” didn’t help like it usually does….

I called up uncle yesterday evening telling him about the accident (incident)… he was calm and said “don’t worry dear it can be fixed” and I thought to myself “I hope so…”

God has commanded time, to console the unhappy.
- Joseph Joubert


Abhishek said...

you can have Ipanema Girl's big boys to come and fix it for you!!!

Rowe said...

he he.. the string of comments to that post was hilarious....

"The BIG boys to fix it ha!!!"... lol...would work, I suppose this particular piece is made in China!!!!


ra said...

hey maybe if u dropped it again. sometimes it works. if that doesnt work, break everything else, that way all will be in sync

Rowe said...

Well.. the thought actually did crossed my kidding.. :)!!! but then... didnt wanna loose it all.... :)

Anyways, uncle came home today and took it.. said there's hope.. not to worry :)