Monday, February 19, 2007

Hello.. another day gone by.. but it sure did start of well :) and end well, rather ending well :)

For all of you in Kuwait.. make sure you tune in to FM Monday mornings from 8-9 am.. its the country hour, and they play some great songs :). As soon as a song would end, I'd make a note of the title - realized I did that after almost every song.. :) :) :)

Work was fine.. same old ... but not bad..:) But, the weather was just awesome today very Bangalory :) - not too cold..not hot... just right.. thanks to the rains we had last night.. Too bad this'll last for the next few days only... :(.... before it gets HOT!!!! And hot means furnace HOT!!!!... just remembering thusday afternoons in my transport.. in that heat.... for an hour.... makes me sick... :).. neways till then... enjoying the good weather..

Well thats all me gotta say for the day... :)

Ti ta..


Anonymous said...

i heard you were on your way, on your way to becoming another statistic. (chetz' word here) lol. don't give up just yet.
you know this can't end just yet or just like that.
there's too many justs there, sheesh!!

Chrisann said...

hai hai
what's goign on
I am not gettign anythign!
how's the weather gonna be in june?
hot hot hot?

Chrisann said...

chetz dude where are you?
monday night soul fry...
be there....