Friday, June 08, 2007

Am back...and happy to be

Whew!!! I finally am beginning to see the end of the whole “going for parties and get togethers”. Once, twice even thrice is bearable but continuously - Its getting to me!!!. Now don’t get me wrong, I like going out but off late there had just been a lot of it and yes Too much of something is bad, I believe.

After all that, I have come to realize that yes bogging my thoughts and just anything for that matter is what I like to do. Oh!!!! and not forgetting reading blogs of people I find thro other links. Missed out em for 2 weeks now and I already feel out of touch!!!.

Sitting here blank right now really there is not much am feeling, been a while since I watched TV I feel.. guess I’ll do just that… got some pending movies to watch had a nice long nap this afternoon after what seems like ages so am wide awake and fresh!!!.

Oh since its out to all I should make a mention that I got elected to be presi of out Chuch Youth group, won by a pretty good margin but theses 2 presidents one guy and gurl the gurl’s me :) .. Just remembering all the comments my “good” friends had to say..LOL… (if you’re reading).

Management is hard and yet interesting to learn… so far the best thing I like doing is writing emails, I love writing emails, spent most of today morning just writing emails he he.. Got some meetings to plan, agendas and speeches to give… I’ve learnt some stuff thanks to training by colleagues and other friends; I’m learning and dreading the dirty game of politics which is usually inevitable. Let’s see how it works…. Am looking forward to it... I suppose a whole lot of other people are looking at me to see how we (the newly elected core group) handle it…

I wish I had Potter’s invisible cloak!!!..


Abhishek said...

you are 24. Too much of anything is not bad. Not for another 4 to 6 years atleast.

Anonymous said...

so mr president, uve got power now! can we see a absolute power corrupting trip soon? hmmm

hey for tips u know where to find me

Abhishek said...

you are tagged, missy